Sorry I have been MIA again, I went to the doctor friday and I have a swollen thyroid, I have been suffering from shakes, headaches, stomach issues and the last couple weeks I have had a steady heart beat over 110 beats a minute. I dont have the test results back yet and I have been scouring the internet for some answers and the symptoms fit Graves disease... I am hoping deep down that all the syptoms are unrelated and it is just an infection or something. I will call the dr tomorrow for the results and probably head right back to the dr. Any movement makes me out of breathe and my heart to race faster.
Heres some fun stuff though, get your Unity, set right up! Click the link below and use this sale to get some Unity love!! Hurry Hurry, sale ends today!

Thanks for all the well wishes, cross your fingers too!
Big hugs back to you all!!
Till Later!
Hope its nothing serious! Think positive! I'll be rootin for you!
Sending prayers your way for good results and an easy fix!
Take care!
Peace & Blessings, Maria
Gosh, you CAN'T be sick! You have way too many cards to make! I'll be thinking of you. Please post an update after your doc visit and/or results tomorrow, 'kay? Hugs...
Our doc said there is over 1000 different flus going around right now - so hopefully it will just be that! Hang in there - you will be in my thoughts.
Relax and get plenty of rest! I hope you feel better real soon! Thinking of you :)
Praying for you - I hope they can tell you what it is, and that it's not as serious as Grave's.
I tagged you on my blog:
Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear this! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers...take care!!
Poor, Jacquie! I hope you figure out what is going on! Get some rest and make sure you stay hydrated! If it is your thyroid, once you get on meds you will feel 100% better! {{HUGS}}!
Big hugs Jacquie!! Lots of prayers too! Please have a good night!!
Jackie, my goodness! I hope you get good news! If it is your thyroid - no worries! I've had hypothyroidism for years and keep it in check with daily medicine! It was a tough hurdle to get over in the beginning but I'm sure you'll be okay! Hang in there!!
Jacquie, I hope you have gotten some answers and are feeling better. My mom has Graves disease and is able to manage it well with medicine but it was scary before she was diagnosed because of all her symptoms. Take care!
Big HUGS Jacq!!!! I'll be keeping you in prayer and you keep us posted!!!
Jacqueline, I sure hope you get good news and that it is a simple thing. I've been suffering similar symptoms and they found a stomach infection--antibiotics hopefully will get it! Thanks for following us over at the Res-Q-Challenge! Meant a lot to us!
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