So what I have come up with is that Time was a villian throughout the whole series, it began early when Bella fell in love with Edward and realized what he was and didnt want to wait to be a vampire to love him forever, when Edward went away Bella grieved the whole time he was away, time was a villian when Bella first met the volturi and they would come check on her, Time was a villian to bella in the way no one aged like she was (Jacob, etc.), When Renesmee was born she aged quickly and time once again was not on their side involving the That is the "villian" I chose for inspiration.
Here is my card...
Stamps Used: Grandfather clock, simply said-Unity
Papers Used: Kraft, riding hood red Su, Offbeat-BasicGrey
Ink Used: Chocolate chip, river rock SU
Accessories Used: Riding hood red ribbon SU, gold clip, black striped ribbon
I know the sentiment is not too Villian-y but the best was yet to come for Edward and Bella and their family in the end! I love a happy ending!
Thanks for stopping by, Dont for get to click the link above for Twilight Tuesday and show the ladies some love, They ROCK!!!
Till Later!!
Very, very clever! Great job! {ooooh, so subtle, but time is a villian!}
I agree, this is VERY CLEVER!!! You are right on target and Bella certainly complained enough about TIME. FAB card....INGENIOUS insight!
What an INCREDIBLY clever idea - I think that time IS one of the major sources of conflict in all of the books. That was a really inspired idea! Beautifully done. Thanks so much for playing along with the challenge!
Well I just love it!! You have done such an awesome job on this!!!
I am so happy you are playing with us on these challenges!
I'm speechless!!! You are sooo very clever! Time was such a major role in this story - it should be labeled as a major character ;)
Beautiful work!
Happy Tuesday!!!
What a fab card, Jacquie! I love that stamp, and time as a villian, is super clever!
Jacquie! You are brilliant. Very perceptive idea. It would seem that time is the ultimate villain in the entire series. They seem to always be running out if it and it's a bit ironic for people who have endless amounts of time on their hands. Very good thinking!!
Way to think outside the box. Cute card too.
Very clever idea! I love what you did with this!
What an interesting concept -- I didn't even think of it that way. Great JOB!!
Very cool. Joan
Girl, you sure go the distance with these challenges. Love that you went outside the box for this one. Tick tock!!
Very very clever and so true. Gorgeous card!
What a clever, and beautiful card! I love the DP, and the pretty ribbon.
I never in a million years would of thought of this- it's incredible. You picked up on a great literary theme here with Time as a villain.
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